02/19/21 |
I'm delighted to share that I am now a lead scientist in the Crowther lab leading the Global Micorbial Ecology Group!!
I am happy to share that I received a Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship to continue my work at ETH Zurich for my project "Global Drivers of Plant-Associated Microbial Communities: Consequences for Forest Diversity"!
I successfully defended my PhD: 'Biogeographic plant-microbe patterns and process: natural and anthropogenic impacts across three spatial scales'!! I'm exciting to be starting a post-doctoral position at ETH Zurich in the Crowther Lab working closely with Dr. Colin Averill!
Our paper developing an AMF reference database and pipeline for the LSU region is now published in New Phytologist! Find it here.
Our paper on root-associated pathogen community responses to climate gradients and land use change was just published in ISME! Check it out here.
I will be going to Panama with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute/KU Graduate Program! I'll be going for a 3 week course and a 3 month research trip. Really excited to work with Kirk Broders and Ben Turner there!
Congratulations to Josh Schemanski for graduating with his B.S. from the University of Kansas!
Our article "Mycorrhizal fungi influence global plant biogeography" has been published in Nature Ecology and Evolution as part of a long-time collaboration!!
Our late breaking poster for the Ecological Society of America conference was accepted! Check out our presentation here: eco.confex.com/eco/2018/webprogrampreliminary/Paper75510.html
I was awarded a research Fulbright with the US Student Program! I'm moving to Ecuador for 10 months starting in September to continue our work on microbially-mediated plant invasions to the Galapagos!
I presented Beyond nutrients: A meta-analysis of the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants and soils as a full talk at ICOM9 (International Conference on Mycorrhiza)!
Our meta-analysis was just accepted for publication to Ecology! onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.1892/epdf
I received the Botany Endowment Grant to support my summer work!
I just received the National Geographic Young Explorer's Grant for the first part of my dissertation research!
I was awarded the Madison and Lila Self Fellowship!! http://selfgraduate.ku.edu/
My Master's Thesis has been published in Mycorrhiza! Check it out link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00572-016-0749-5
I was just accepted to the Organization for Tropical Studies' Field Course: Field Ecology: Skills for Science and Beyond! I was also awarded $5,000 by the study abroad office to attend!
I was just accepted to present a Latebreaking poster at the Ecological Society of America meeting for my Master's Thesis work!
I just graduated from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies with a Master's of Environmental Science!
I just submitted my first manuscript (ever) on my Master's thesis work! Shortly, I will also be submitting another project I've been working on with 2 other colleagues (meta-analysis on AMF impacts on plants/ ecosystems) !
I've officially accepted a PhD offer at the University of Kansas. Very happy to be joining the Bever lab!
The Lab (2017)